
The Verein für Technische Holzfragen e.V. (VTH, Association for Technical Issues related to Wood), founded in 1946 in Braunschweig (Germany), is an organization of enterprises and individuals intending to advance research and development around the material wood and other regenerative raw materials. In order to reflect the growing sphere of the association and to better meet the requirements of its members, in March 2004 the VTH was renamed in iVTH International Association for Technical Issues related to Wood. Currently, iVTH has 4 employees working for the association, and about 110 members from different branches. Especially the wood-based panel industry, machine engineering, chemical industry, furniture industry and prefabricated house industry are represented. Also individual persons, associations, R & D facilities and consulting enterprises help in reaching the aim of the iVTH. The members are coming mostly from Germany and from the member states of the European Union as well as South America.

The main purpose of the non-profit association is the enhancement of science, research and technology in the field of forestry and wood industry and its affiliated economy sectors.


Role in the project

iVTH will collect information about the needs of the German furniture and wood-based materials industry regarding the technologies of Industry 4.0 and accordingly, will give an overview of the requirements (WP1).

Regarding WP6, iVTH will have a decisive role in the dissemination of the project among the relevant German industry.