IN4WOOD free webinars on 20 and 21 June 2019

Join us for a unique and exciting opportunity to explore and celebrate the achievements of the In4Wood Erasmus+ project. In4Wood specialists will demonstrate the online learning modules created through this collaborative project and how workers and students can make best use of this free facility. As well as expert advice, there will be an opportunity to discuss this learning portal, explore Industry 4.0 learning opportunities with like minded colleagues and to provide feedback on this new system. Just like using the In4Wood online learning portal, participation in this webinar is free of charge. We hope that you can join us at this exciting launch webinar.

The webinars will be run as repeat sessions on two occasions and so you have the choice of joining either webinar:

  • Thursday 20th of June 2019 (1400 to 1500 UK / 1500 to 1600 CET)
  • Friday 21st of June 2019 (0900 to 1000 UK / 1000 to 1100 CET).

To book you place on these FREE webinars, please go to

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